Lord, today I visited one of my children in prison. In a corner D. confessed to me. I hardly could keep the guard away. Lord, why were we not able to prevent D. from this deed. Was I not supposed to let him go back then? But I could not lock him in. Lord, please give me better words of encouragement and consolation. Lord, I call out to you, help my child. I cannot do anything, I feel helpless.
Lord, we have to talk to each other. I need you. I do not understand the silence. I am tired and worn out. The thorns are spearing me. Lord, please answer me.
Lord, give me patience. But right away, please. Thank you
Lord, I thank you for that
+ Lord, my God, I have two eyes only, But I thank you for them. Two eyes, in order to see everything and not blind myself to the misery of the Romanian children.
Lord, my God, I have two ears only, but I thank you for them.
Two ears in order to hear everything, to hear by myself and to not attach importance to the noise of the powerful, the rich, the tempters, in order to again and again listen and to not forget anymore the sorrows of the children.
Lord, my God, I have two feet only, but I thank you for them.
Two feet, in order to walk the streets of the children, to look for their dungeons, stables and shacks. +
I have one mouth only, only one. But I thank you for it.
One mouth in order to proclaim your truth, the only truth. I have to tell it, if convenient or not, I proclaim it, wherever I live, wherever I go, whomever I meet, the children of the street or the powerful of this country. +
Lord, my God, I have two hands only, only two, but I thank you for them. For you have made so many hands out of these two, which donate, which help, which pray. Keep my hands and theirs open for the misery of the children of the streets.
I beg you, comfort them, when they shiver, hold them back, when they are angry, reach out for them, when they are nauseated, hold them tight, when they are in fear. +
Lord, my God, I have one heart only, only one. But I thank you for it.
A heart unconditionally loving you and your abandoned children. let my love be deeds, every heartbeat for you, every heartbeat worries about them.
Lord, my God, this is my body, one body only.
This is my life, one life only. one task only, one dream only ... I thank you for that
+ Don Demidoff